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Freedom of Information

The Cayman Islands National Museum (CINM) is committed to openness, transparency and serving the public interest in compliance with the Freedom of Information Law, 2007.


As a public authority, the Cayman Islands National Museum (CINM) is committed to openness, transparency and serving the public interest in compliance with the Freedom of Information Law, 2007. The Freedom of Information (FOI) Law was passed on 19th October 2007 and comes into effect in January 2009. It gives the public a right of access to all types of records held by public authorities, but also sets out some exemptions from that right.


Publication Schemes

Each public authority covered by the Freedom of Information Law has a legal duty to adopt and maintain a publication scheme in accordance with s. 5 of the FOI Law. The main purpose of a publication scheme is to make information readily available without the need for specific written requests. Schemes are intended to encourage organisations to publish proactively, and develop a greater culture of openness. The Law states that Information to be published by public authorities includes:


  • the functions of the authority, what work it does and how it sets about its tasks.

  • the departments and agencies of the authority.

  • the subjects handled by each department or authority, with the locations of the departments and agencies and the opening hours of all offices.

  • the title and business address of the Principal Officer and other key officers within the authority.

  • Classes of records held.

  • Manuals, interpretations, rules, guidelines, practices or precedents.


FOI Contact

Information Manager
Doss J. Solomon
Manager of Operations

Museum & Gift Shop Address:
# 3 Harbour Drive,
George Town, Grand Cayman
Cayman Islands

Support Facility Address:
#17 Pasadora Place (Pine Rd. off Smith Road)
George Town, Grand Cayman
Cayman Islands


Administrative Offices Address:

# 10 Cayside Building

George Town, Grand Cayman

Cayman Islands

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 2189
Grand Cayman KY-1105


Document Library

This section contains any documents published by the National Museum of the Cayman Islands. This includes:

  • Reports published as a result of normal day-to-day activity

  • Reports commissioned by the Cayman Islands National Museum

  • Forms & leaflets published for use by the Public

  • Manuals, Procedures & Guidelines


The Cayman Islands National Museum publishes the following information:

  • CINM Educational Programmes


Disclosure Log

This website forms the Cayman Islands National Museums’ e-publication scheme, developed in compliance with Section 5 of the FOI Law.

The disclosure log is updated regularly and provides details of FOI requests that we feel may have a wider public interest. Please note that the disclosure log does not list everything that has been released under FOI. Some responses consist of large numbers of documents that are not held in electronic format. Where practical, the documents concerned have been scanned and made available online via our website.

In addition to a summary of the original request, the log indicates whether or not the information was released and what exemptions, if any, were applied.

Where the actual reply has been reproduced, the applicant's name and other personal details were deleted. Request Number Request Details Outcome


Classes of Information Held

A Class of Information is a way of collecting together similar types of information. The Cayman Islands National Museum has grouped its Classes of Information into broad categories (or functions) which reflect the National Museums’ outputs. If you are intending to make a request, the following grouping of information should give you an indication of where the information may be found.



Making a Request

If you want to request information from the Cayman Islands National Museum you should initially look at the document library and the disclosure log to see if the information you seek has already been published.


If you wish to make a request for information then you should contact the Information Manager ( or submit a request on-line at the FOI Unit website.

Requests must be in writing (letter, email or facsimile) and must include your name and an address (either postal or e-mail). Please be as specific as possible about the information you would like, as this will help us to respond promptly. Where possible, please include a contact telephone number so we can call to discuss your request if necessary.


We will respond to your request promptly. The Law requires public authorities to respond within 30 calendar days, allowing an extension of an additional 30 calendar days if needed. We will always acknowledge receipt of FOI requests made to the above address and we will let you know if we need to extend the deadline. For detailed advice on what sorts of information is exempt please see the FOI Unit website.


This website has been developed in preparation for implementation of the FOI Law, 2007 which comes into effect in January 2009; consequently, public authorities cannot guarantee that requests for information prior to that time will be handled in accordance with new FOI procedures, which are currently being developed.


Fees associated with a Request for Information

There is no application fee and no fee for going to a public authority and looking at a record requested by FOI. However, a requestor may be required to pay copying or change of format fees. Details concerning costs and payment are contained in the FOI Regulations which are available on the FOI Unit website.



Right of Appeal for Freedom of Information requests


Internal Review

If you make a request under the Freedom of Information Law and are not satisfied with our response, you are entitled to an internal review. If you believe you are entitled to an internal review, please put your appeal in writing and either e-mail or post it to the Information Manager. Include your name, address, telephone number and the reference number at the top of our letter or e-mail to you. You have 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of a refusal to request an internal review. Please explain why you would like us to review our original response.


Under section 33 of the FOI Law, you may ask for an Internal Review of a response to your request if any of the following things happened:


  1. If you were refused access;

  2. If you were granted partial access to the record(s) specified in your application;

  3. If your request was deferred;

  4. If there was a refusal to amend or annotate an official document containing personal information; or

  5. If a fee was charged for action taken or if you disagree with the amount of the fee charged;

  6. Where the decision was taken by a person other than the responsible Minister, Chief Officer or Principal Officer of the public authority.


Appeal to the Information Commissioner

If you are dissatisfied with the internal review of our decision, or an internal review was not available, you can seek an appeal from the Information Commissioner.



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